If you’ve ever experienced insomnia, or even a short streak of restless nights, you know how much of an impact it has on the rest of your life. We’ve probably all been there… just as you are laying down to sleep, the mind kicks in to overdrive. Suddenly, every stressful situation in your life is demanding your attention, competing with … Read More
How to Sleep Better With Menopause
There are many reasons why people might have trouble sleeping – stress, the temperature, uncomfortable bedding, and so on. And for women, there can be an added factor each month. When menopause symptoms, or pre-menopause symptoms, come on, they can bring a whole new set of challenges that affect sleep. Since we all know that disruptions to sleeping patterns can … Read More
What Triggers Sleep Apnea?
Have you been hearing more and more about sleep apnea lately? Or perhaps you suspect you or your partner is suffering from the condition. It seems that more people are talking about, and finding solutions, sleep apnea — the condition that interrupts a person’s breathing during sleep. Let’s talk about sleep apnea today — what the symptoms are, and what … Read More
5 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
No matter what your troubles in life are, a good night’s rest seems to instantly help make things better. And if you are dealing with serious health concerns, prioritizing rest and learning how to fall asleep faster and sleep better are an important part of any recovery. Many things can keep people laying awake at night, anxiously counting down the … Read More
Lack of sleep may increase risks of certain cancers
We all know that a lack of sleep can affect how we function in the world. Our mood, ability to concentrate, react, and respond are all in jeopardy when we don’t sleep well. This is especially pronounced if a lack of sleep is the default setting for your life. But it’s actually more serious than that. A lack of wholesome, … Read More
Strange Sleep Facts
Sleep is one of the most fascinating and well studied phenomena out there. While we all know that we need sleep, there are certain things about sleep that remain a mystery. Like why, exactly, do we dream? And why do some animals require more sleep than others? Many scientists have conducted studies into sleep to discover things like what happens … Read More
How To Fall Asleep Faster
At our Parksville Mattress Store locations in Parksville and Nanaimo, we meet a lot of people in search of a good night’s sleep. Restless nights can be agonizing and sometimes it seems like the harder you try to fall asleep, the further away sleep gets. There are many reasons that people can’t fall asleep quickly, from stress to travel to … Read More
What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep
By the time most of us reach adulthood, we have probably pulled a few all-nighters, and are likely to do it again. While there are always going to be reasons to stay up all night, whether you have a work or school project due, are busy making preparations for an event, or have to catch an early flight the next … Read More